Brand-new Coatings
PannonPLATIT constantly strives to provide and develop new, innovative layers for users. In 2020 there will be 6 new shifts in the program. Load down the paper: Flexible service of High Performance Coatings The Essence Happens in a Thin Layer!


Nano hardness 42-44 GPa
Coating thickness 1-4 µm
Coefficient of friction 0.4
Max. service temperature 1100 °C

BorAX - High Entropy Coating: The next big step in coating technology?

High entropy alloys are the current hype in metallurgy. The 5 or more components form alloys that have significantly better physical properties than conventional alloys. E.g.
- better strength / weight ratios,
- higher bending and tear strength and
- higher resistance to corrosion and oxidation.
Why should it be different with coatings The first results of the BorAX = Crn-AlCrTiN / BN / SiN layer prove this statement  The continuous dosing of boron enables simultaneous high toughness with high hardness.
